It's as simple as ONE...TWO...THREE. You can have a great show or you can have a mediocre show. The old saying "you put into it what you get out of it" I think is very very true. We work on creative exhibit briefings with our clients to try and capture the true needs of their business at a trade show event - and within their budget. But if we build it and they are there - you might not catch the GOOD prospects you need if you make the following mistakes!
#1. Bad graphics
#2. Lack of a clear marketing message displayed on your booth
#3. Not getting out the word! Promote the fact that you are exhibiting at that show.
#4. Thinking that if you build it they will come. Don’t just leave out an empty fishbowl.
#5. Zero training of your people before the event.
#6. Talking too much. – need to listen to prospects needs let them to the talking.
#7. Handing out literature blindly.
#8. Showing up without a true event plan.
#9. Forgetting to communicate to your show services provider your plan.
#10. Not following up on the leads you got at the show.