Imagine a world where everywhere you turn, another person is interested in what your company does. Aisles filled with prospective clients with money to burn and stars in their eyes. Envision a scenario where every word you say has an impact, directly connecting to your target audience. This is what Trade Shows are all about. The Trade Show News Network reports that a colossal 81% of trade show booth attendees have buying authority. This means that 4 out of 5 people at your next show are ready to become your customer. With that in mind, let’s start perfecting our Trade Show performance.
Never a Second Chance for a First Impression
There is nothing more important than a first impression. When introducing yourself to people at a trade show it is especially important to remember names. The primary concern of people is what their peers think of them, and by remembering names we’re instantly building relationships and acknowledging that an impression was made. Sometimes when introducing ourselves we’re so focused on how we come across that we instantly forget the name of the other person as soon as we hear it, especially at a venue with hundreds of people. A good tactic is repetition. Repeating the person's first and last name by introducing them to your colleagues is a good way to solidify the connection.
Equally important is finding out what is motivating the customer. You can talk all day about the services you provide but knowing the angle of what would intrigue a person is far more significant in closing deals. After finding out what they need, create a personalized and unique approach to how your product or service solves their problem. The biggest issue at trade shows is when sales reps are repeating generic pitches to every single person that comes by. By not saying anything special or unique to individuals you are wasting precious opportunities to not only build relationships but also a solid opportunity to build brand integrity.
Going from booth to booth at a trade show can be daunting—being approached by so many people with the same goal is overwhelming. Taking the time to differentiate between people allows them to feel more important, ultimately leading to a special memory that separates your company from the rest.
Technology for Lightening the Load
The most important aspect of trade shows is the face to face relationships you are able to develop, but do those relationships always lead to conversions? Imagine being able to solely focus on interacting with the potential customer instead of worrying about manually completing paper orders. Or being able to browse a beautiful e-Catalog, with a simple click to order, instead of cumbersome catalogs that are hard to dig through. The real magic happens when we are able to combine the talent of sales reps with the convenience of technology to improve the trade show sales process both in terms of taking orders and increased customer satisfaction.
Combining the impact and intimacy of face to face sales with the support of a good sales rep app provides the best of both worlds. The rep is able to give both personal attention and better product information without the hassle of mounds of paper and bulky catalogs. The end result is the sales rep is more efficient and therefore more successful closing sales.
Practice Your Pitch
I’m sure you know by now that business deals can happen anywhere. At trade shows, you need to be ready at a moment’s notice for spontaneous opportunities with a buyer, or even the press.
The two most important pitches every entrepreneur should have ready to deliver are:
1. Your Brand Pitch: This is commonly referred to as your elevator pitch. Be sure to express your story and origin of purpose. It’s important to articulate how long your business has existed, and perhaps most importantly, what makes your company different from your competition. The aspect of your business that makes you unique might be exactly what someone is looking to buy. You know this information like the back of your hand but practicing it and delivering your core points with confidence and clarity will help to impress anyone coming to your booth.
2. Your Sales Pitch: Knowing your inventory is the key to a successful sales pitch. You need to be able to take your buyer through your collection quickly. By knowing your current offers, features, new items, and price points, you give the buyer confidence that you know every detail about your company. Be sure to emphasize your best selling items and be able to advise availability and delivery times as this is essential information for buyers.
Use these tips to rock your next trade show!
Guest Blogger - Oren Ezra is the CMO of Pepperi, the fastest-growing provider of sales apps for manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. - See more at: