Exhibiting at trade shows is a big investment of time, effort and money. It needs to pay off in measurable results. What makes trade shows so appealing as a marketing tool is the ability to conduct face-to-face marketing, to design a display that reflects well on your brand image and to staff your exhibit with your best representatives. Where else can you find so many potential customers in person in one place?
The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR), in their study, Purchase Process and Customer Relationships, found,
“The ‘sweet spots’ for exhibitions lie in the pre-purchase and post-purchase relationship management phases. More than a majority of exhibitors and attendees assign high importance to interacting face-to-face at exhibitions at all pre-purchase stages. Many attendees also place high importance on interacting for the purpose of maintaining relationships with vendors after they buy, with 63 percent of attendees assigning high importance and 76 percent of exhibitors. “When it comes to settings for face-to-face interactions at exhibitions, the most preferred are one-on-one interactions. Over half of attendees, 56 percent, and over two-thirds of exhibitors, 67 percent, rank this setting number one. No other setting comes close for top ranking, with product demonstrations the second most mentioned by 20 percent of attendees and 19 percent of exhibitors. It is clear that attendees to trade shows are serious about purchasing and solidifying vendor relationships. The key to success is matching your business objectives to your target market and show selections, while maximizing your budget.
To help you maximize your trade show marketing effectiveness - in everything from purchasing a new trade show display to saving on drayage - we have created this whitepaper with some downloads you can take and apply to your trade show marketing program. What are you waiting for? Get started on doing the due diligence of your program and reap the rewards for your company today!!
Dowload our WHITEPAPER today!!