The Tradeshow Network Marketing Group expects to see corporations continue to invest in trade show exhibits in 2012 while demanding higher impact displays at lower costs. Although U.S. corporations have largely weathered the economic storm and trade show participation is returning, marketing budgets remain under pressure.
“One of our strategic objectives for 2012 is to find new innovative ways to help clients control costs and even reduce the cost of exhibit ownership,” said Chris Roberts, President of Chicago-based Tradeshow Network Marketing Group, whose clients range from start-up enterprises to multinational corporations.
To help clients save on both exhibit costs and shipping costs, The Tradeshow Network recently added a new type of fabric display to its extensive line of trade show display products. Fabric displays have grown in popularity in recent years for their affordability, versatility, durability and light weight. The use of fabric, rather than a hard material, eliminates some problems that traditional graphics may cause. With the wide variety of fabric textures available, it is possible to capture different moods and looks, and there is virtually no limitation on sizes and shapes. Today we are seeing a lot of hanging banners being used on the show floor to attract attention to the client’s trade show booth space.
The Tradeshow Network is also expanding its trade-in program for existing exhibits, which allows businesses to receive significant discounts for the purchase of a new exhibit of the same size or larger. In addition, the company is adding to its rental inventory to provide exhibitors with the customization they need at lower rental prices.
To view examples of our work and our new fabric designs, please visit us online at